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And Am I Eligible?

For the Love of Dog
As far as pet food companies go, Omni is a rarity: unlike most, we are actually founded and run by vets!
As vets, we really do love pets - and we also know an awful lot about keeping them happy and healthy. (It is our job, after all!)
Our UK-wide vet team love advising the Omni family through free online consultations - so why not book in for a chat?
Our Vets & Scientists
See What Our Vets Cooked Up

Revolutionary 1-A-Day supplements that take the fuss away.

Life Stage Diets
Delicious meals; vet-formulated with plant-based proteins for healthier diets.

Wet Food
Delicious meals; vet-formulated with plant-based proteins for healthier diets.

Dog Treats
We’ve created a range of delicious, functional treats for your dogs to enjoy.