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Why Upgrade to Omni?
Healthier Ingredients
"Lots of dogs with itchy skin, waxy ears, or toilet troubles really benefit from switching to our novel protein diets. That said even dogs that are not allergy prone love our food and thrive, so what are you waiting for?"

Peer reviewed, observation based studies show that diets like Omni’s Vet-Formulated foods can lead to healthier and longer lives for dogs as well as benefits such as:
Visible Benefits

All Breeds & Sizes

Cruelty free and kinder to the planet is just the way things should be. Choose Omni and choose to do good.
& Planet Friendly


Don’t Just Take our Word For it
How Omni Compares
When formulated correctly, novel protein diets like Omni have been show to improve dog life span by up to 18 months.

- Nutritionally Complete & Balanced
- Access our FREE Vet consultation service
- Delicious recipes for each life stage
- High in digestible protein & Low in fat
- Gently steam baked here in the UK

- Rely on processed meat/lard
- Made abroad
- Plastic heavy packaging
- Lack vet backing
- Harming the planet

Free Vet Calls With All Flexible Plans
Talk to one of our London-based Vets to introduce your dog to the team. Don’t worry - nothing has to be wrong. We just want to say hello! It’s all very relaxed and friendly, and it’s a great opportunity for us to track how your dog is doing on our products.

Our Vets & Scientists
Real Dogs, Real Results
Your Questions
Don’t dogs need meat?
Lots of people think dogs require meat in their diet but there is scientific evidence to prove that dogs thrive on non-meat diets too. In fact, vets have been recommending novel protein diets for allergy-prone pets for generations and with great results. Interestingly, one of the longest living dogs on record was fed an entirely plant-based diet, Guinness World Record holder Bramble, who lived to the age of 25. In one study reported by world-renowned vet and professor of animal welfare at The University of Winchester Dr. Andrew Knight, the median life expectancy of plant-based dogs was reported to be almost 13 years old. Moreover, a recent peer-reviewed, survey-based study that monitored thousands of dogs eating various diets found that those on vegan diets lived up to 18 months longer than those eating conventional meat-based diets and that fewer lifetime medications were needed in their lifetimes. The take-home message is that dogs can and do thrive on novel protein diets like Omni.
But aren’t dog’s carnivores?
Dogs are in fact nutritional omnivores as demonstrated by a robust scientific study published in the reputable journal, Nature, in which it was shown that they have 30 copies of the AMY2B gene responsible for digesting plant-based foods. They have also evolved relatively long intestines (almost as long as humans) and relatively flat surfaces on their molars which they use for digesting and chewing a whole range of foods. Dogs also have other hallmarks of an omnivore such as producing salivary amylase, high levels of glucokinase, and having Type D tastebuds. The common misconception that dogs are carnivores probably arises from the fact that they are classified in the order Carnivora but so are plenty of other species like bears, skunks, raccoons who are omnivores and even the giant panda who thrives on a plant-based diet.
What about digestibility?
Studies which have looked at how much protein dogs can absorb from novel protein sources such as yeasts, algae, and pulses demonstrated over 75% digestibility which is on par with meat-based foods. These protein sources also contain all 10 essential amino acids that dogs need to thrive.
Isn’t there too much fibre in plant-based food?
The average amount of fibre in a commercial dog food diet is between 2-4%. Omni’s novel adult food recipe has a fibre content of 3% which is on par with meat-based diets. In our taste test trials with over 200 dog guardians, 100% of participants reported that their dog’s stool consistency was either ‘normal’ or ‘perfect’ and there were no reports of any digestive upsets (data on file). Additionally, recent peer-reviewed research that was published in a scientific journal showed that out of 100 dogs eating the Omni diet for up to a year, 90% with watery faeces saw an improvement after switching from a meat-based diet to Omni and 86% of dogs with soft faeces became more firm/normal after switching to Omni.
Can I mix omni with other meat-based diets?
We are proud that our main meal recipes are nutritionally complete and so include everything your dog needs to thrive. This means Omni can be fed as a sole ration and this is ideal for allergy-prone dogs as other proteins could trigger symptoms. Where this is not possible, we also fully support a ‘flexitarian approach’ using Omni as a mixer. Every little helps to bring some of the health and environmental benefits of novel protein to meal times.
Can Omni food provide the essential fatty acids dogs need?
We are proud that our recipes are nutritionally complete and so include everything your dog needs to thrive including omega fatty acids.
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