vet-formulated vegan dog food for healthier, stronger dogs
Fuel your dog’s vitality with high-protein, plant-based nutrition designed by vets. Support lean muscles, shiny coats, and a happy, active life—all cruelty-free and eco-conscious.
Choosing Omni helps rescue dogs, as we donate treats to Battersea with every happy customer.
Eco-friendly paper-based bags
Omni's eco-friendly, paper-based bag helps reduce plastic waste, supporting a more sustainable future for our planet.
61% less water usage
Discover a dog nutrition solution that not only supports your pet's health but also reduces water usage by 61%, helping to mitigate the environmental impact of the meat industry.
92% less land use
Omni's plant-based dog food uses 92% less land, helping eliminate the environmental impact of the meat industry.
73% less greenhouse gases
With 73% less greenhouse gas output, Omni’s pet food not only nourishes pets but also helps combat climate change.
Satisfy Every Appetite: Explore Our Dry & Wet DogFood Products!
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2.5 Million Bowls of Vegan Dog Food Sold
Join Thousands of Pet Parents Who’ve Made the Switch to Omni. Crafted with premium, plant-based ingredients to nourish your dog’s body, support their health, and keep tails wagging.