Fireworks for some is a chance to get lost in the magic of bright lights exploding into the cold night’s sky, enjoying the warmth of a bonfire, and a good excuse to meet up with friends, or to celebrate big events or religious occasions.

However, for many dog parents, it can be very worrying and stressful due to the impact that it has on their beloved pets.

From a dog’s perspective, for no reason at all, they are exposed to a sensory overload. Lots of loud and unusual noises, especially when you consider how much more sensitive their hearing is than ours (is that the fridge opening?). Add to that the visual impact of lots of regular but random flashes of light, and it makes perfect sense why many dogs will find the whole event incredibly upsetting.

Some dogs cope really well with these situations, which could be because they are very laid back, or they have poorer hearing, or they just sleep very heavily and are able to ignore everything.

However, if your dog has a noise sensitivity or is noise-reactive, or easily startled, it is likely that they will find these events challenging.  Some dogs can develop negative associations with fireworks, for example, if they banged their head when a firework was heard, they could associate the injury to the sound.  Different dogs will show this stress differently - from very mild signs of being a bit needy, not able to sleep, wanting to hide, panting, to the more extreme signs like barking, or even more severe expressions of distress, such as digging, destroying soft furnishings, or even trying to break through doors.

It can also be nerve-racking trying to take your dog out for a walk for toiletting in the evenings. Some would even rather not go out at all and wait until they perceive the threat is over, or mess in the house, rather than go outside during these times.

So what top tips do we have to try to help our furry friends get through the fireworks season?

  • Give your dog enough exercise and mental stimulation during the day so that they are tired in the evening.
  • Make sure you’ve taken your dog out earlier in the day (before dusk) to allow them to pee and poo without being startled or anxious when the sights and sounds begin.
  • Give your dog a carbohydrate rich meal (like white pasta or mashed potatoes) as they can result in a natural tiredness that can take the edge off a difficult time.
  • Create a safe space where your dog feels secure - crates are perfect for this, but you can also use a cardboard box. This should be positioned in a quiet part of your home. Make it inviting and snuggly by providing lots of blankets and bedding.
  • Check your local council and facebook pages to see when fireworks displays are happening so you can be prepared.
  • Close curtains and windows to reduce the noises and sounds that your dog is being exposed to.
  • Play music to try to cover noises from the fireworks.
  • Have an alternative activity ready for your dog to distract them from the noises of the outside world - such as a new brain game, chew toys or treats.
  • Make sure that your pet is microchipped and has up to date details on their collar so that if they were to make a break for it and escape from the house, there is a better chance that they will be returned to you.
  • Don’t leave your pet alone so you are able to comfort and reassure them, and potentially stop them from hurting themselves or damaging your home.
  • At Omni we have formulated 'Peaceful Dogs' treats.  These delicious snacks contain valerian root which has been used for thousands of years to help improve sleep, and also can help alleviate anxiety.  Lemon balm is another key ingredient in this recipe, may help reduces stress and anxiety.  Together, these have been formulated to help your dog relax, and can be a delicious treat before bedtime.
  • Omni also produces a 'Stress & Anxiety' 1-a-day supplement, formulated by veterinarians.  It contains L-Tryptophan, Passion flower & L-Theanine for their calming properties. 
  • Plug-in aerosol treatments with pheromones are available that can make dogs feel more comfortable.
  • Some over-the counter medications can help reduce their reaction to stressful event. Most (if not all) of these products need to be given in the week(s) prior to the stressful event, so worth being prepared and having them ready before it becomes an issue.
  • There are some prescription medications available that are stronger, and can benefit dogs with more severe symptoms - approach your vet for further advice on this.

If you have a young puppy, you can try to prepare them by playing videos of fireworks (starting with low volume and gradually increasing) and giving them treats to reinforce calm and relaxed behaviours. This helps to desensitise them before they are exposed to a more uncontrolled scenario.

If your dog is still struggling, or has severe signs of stress and you’re worried about them hurting themselves, speak to your vet, as there are medications which can help.

If you have any questions at all our team of vets are always happy to help. You can reach us at

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Pero no son los carnívoros del perro?

De hecho, los perros son omnívoros nutricionales como lo demuestran un sólido estudio científico publicado en la revista Reputable Journal Nature (1,2) en la que se demostró que tienen 30 copias del gen AMY2B responsable de digerir alimentos a base de plantas.

También han evolucionado intestinos relativamente largos (21) (casi tan largos como humanos) y superficies relativamente planas en sus molares (31, 22) que usan para digerir y masticar una amplia gama de alimentos.

La idea errónea común de que los perros son los carnívoros probablemente surge del hecho de que están clasificados en el orden en carnivora, pero también lo son muchas otras especies como osos, zorrillos, macoon que son omnívoros e incluso el panda gigante que prospera con una dieta basada en plantas ( 20).

¿Es la proteína vegetal digerible para los perros?

Absolutamente sí, los estudios que han analizado cuánto pueden absorber los perros de proteínas de los alimentos a base de plantas y hongos como la soja y la levadura demostraron más del 75% de digestibilidad que está a la par con los alimentos a base de carne (23, 24, 34, 35 y 25).

Ambas fuentes de proteínas también contienen los 10 aminoácidos esenciales (36, 37) que los perros deben prosperar.

¿No hay demasiada fibra en los alimentos a base de plantas?

La cantidad promedio de fibra en una dieta comercial de alimentos para perros es entre 2-4%. La receta con plantas de Omni tiene un contenido de fibra del 3% que está a la par con las dietas a base de carne.

En nuestra encuesta con más de 200 dueños de perros, el 100% informó que la consistencia de las heces de su perro era "normal" o "perfecta" y no había informes de molestias digestivas (datos en el archivo).

¿Puedo mezclar omni con otras dietas a base de carne?

Estamos orgullosos de que nuestras recetas estén nutricionalmente completas y, por lo tanto, incluya todo lo que su perro necesita para prosperar. Esto significa que Omni puede alimentarse como una ración exclusiva. También apoyamos plenamente un 'enfoque flexitario' como los almuerzos sin carne o el uso de Omni como mezclador.

Cada pequeño ayuda a llevar algunos de los beneficios ambientales y de salud de la potencia vegetal a los horarios de las comidas. Mezclar Omni con carne/pescado ayudará a agregar variedad a la dieta de su perro mientras agregan ingredientes saludables con una huella de carbono relativamente baja.

¿Pueden los alimentos a base de plantas proporcionar los ácidos grasos esenciales que necesitan los perros?

Todas las grasas y aceites esenciales que los perros necesitan, incluidas las omegas 3 y 6 se encuentran en una variedad de alimentos a base de carne y plantas (31, 28).

La receta de Omni es rica en fuentes de estos nutrientes a base de plantas para que su perro obtenga todos los elementos esenciales que necesitan.

Escucho mucho sobre alimentar la carne cruda, ¿no es eso mejor?

Alimentar la carne cruda a los perros se ha convertido en una tendencia muy popular en los últimos años, pero la mayoría de los veterinarios advertirán contra esta práctica. Esto se debe a que el proceso de cocción es vital para ayudar a matar bacterias peligrosas como E Coli, Salmonella y Campylobacter (9) que han requerido varios retiros de alimentos del mercado y causaron enfermedades graves e incluso la muerte en los perros y sus dueños (40, 41 , Y 42).

También hay varios gusanos y parásitos que solo se matan cuando la carne cruda se cocina. Los perros son perros, no lobos y gracias a su domesticación durante miles de años, afortunadamente no necesitan cazar para obtener su comida ni necesitan comer carne cruda, simplemente no vale la pena el riesgo.


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16. años/







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46. ​​D.F. Merlo, L. Rossi, C. Pellegrino, M. Ceppi, U. Cardellino, C. Capurro, A. Ratto, P.L. Sambucco, V. Sestito, G. Tanara, V. Bocchini (2008) Incidencia de cáncer en perros de mascotas: hallazgos del Registro de Tumores Animales de Génova, Italia, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine


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53. Okin GS (2017) Impactos ambientales del consumo de alimentos por perros y gatos. PLoS One 12 (8): E0181301.

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